Dec 30, 2014

그날들 by Yu Koo

그날들 (Those days)
by Yu Koo

Photozine / 210mm x 148mm / Colour print on Cyclus Offset paper.
Published on December 2014
Edition of 30

Dec 17, 2014

Fiebre Fotolibro 2014 (Photos)

Our desk on Fiebre Fotolibro. On the corner, next to the window with a strange view but really cool untill it started to rain.

Laia Sabaté and Estela Sanchis looking our stuff.

No saquen las flores and Those days, top zines of the fair!

Mexican food was all we can eat. Good!

People talking about the zines... we did this twice... ouch.

Thats all. Thanks everybody for the great time! Hope see you all soon!

Dec 12, 2014

Barn Skull by Jude Griebel

Barn Skull
by Jude Griebel

Griebel is a Canadian sculptor and illustrator known for having a poetic touch in unpleasant and macabre stuff. A mild version of Jake & Dinos Chapman art pieces. This first publication in Bad Weather Press seeks to highlight Griebel’s work to the catalan (and surrounding) public. (The curious people can find more information of Jake and Dinos Chapman on this fantastic website).

December 2014
Edition of 30